International Polka Music Hall of Fame® Al Soyka and His Orchestra along with Chet Gawron and His Orchestra!
Al Soyka and Chet Gawron along with their Orchestras perform on this CD. This CD contains two classic albums now on one CD. Don’t pass this CD today featuring Big Band Eastern Style Polkas!
Track listing:
Al Soyka and His Orchestra
1. Flamingo Polka
2. Accordialina Polka
3. Sea Breeze Polka
4. Fortune Oberek
5. Hi Hat Polka
6. God Father Polka
7. Hydli Dydli Polka
8. Butterfly Oberek
9. Bison’s Rheinlander
10. Dily Doly Polka
11. Young Nun Oberek
12. Pedro Polka
Chet Gawron and His Orchestra
13. Night Owl Polka
14. Rhapsody Polka
15. Lover Boy Polka
16. Skylark Polka
17. Co-Ed Polka
18. Pioneer Polka
19. Varsity Oberek
20. Chatter Box Polka
21. Beechwood Oberek
22. Eagle Oberek
23. Seaside Oberek
24. Baby Polka