International Polka Music Hall of Fame® Joe Oberaitis plays classic Polish American Polkas from Cleveland. Joe Oberaitis presents a clever and creative approach to the music! Joe Oberaitis is also known as Pan Juzef. This album was re-released in the CD format. Don’t pass this CD today with Joe Oberaitis!
Track listing:
1. Havin' Fun Polka
2. Pragna Oczka Polka
3. Wesele u Michala Oberek
4. Slonecko Na Zachodzie Polka
5. Kujawiak Na Wiosce
6. Na Wesele Pojdziemy Polka
7. Jedziemy Jedziemy Polka
8. Cleveland Girls Polka
9. W Zielonym Gaiku Walc
10. Army Polka
11. Brookhill Polka