Konkol - Reminiscing Old Time - 30 Songs of Polkas, Waltzes, and Laendlers

Ray Konkol and His Orchestra play 30 classic songs on this CD!

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Product Description  Click Here to Listen to Tracks      

Ray Konkol is well known around the Upper Midwest for his concertina abilities. This CD features classic Ray Konkol music with his orchestra. Dutchmen style from Wisconsin with Ray Konkol on this CD!

Track listing:

1. Hollywood Polka
2. Stillwater Laendler
3. It's Your Fault Polka
4. Blackhawk Waltz
5. Evergreen Polka
6. Soldier's Greeting Laendler
7. Cloverleaf Polka
8. Maybe She's Lonesome Waltz
9. Clock on the Steeple Polka
10. Silver Lake Waltz
11. Lulu Polka
12. Lover's Waltz
13. Du Du Dummel Bauer Polka
14. Clariechen Laendler
15. Jack's Polka
16. Miller Laendler
17. Country Girl Polka
18. Dakota Waltz
19. Hot Coffee Schottische
20. Linky's Laendler
21. Arcadia Polka
22. New Ulm Waltz
23. Shanty Polka
24. Concertina Schottische
25. No One Knows Laendler
26. Clarene Waltz
27. Minnesota Polka
28. Blackbird Waltz
29. Gypsy Polka
30. I'm Coming Waltz
Artist: Ray Konkol and His Orchestra