Gora - Can-Am Polkas

Polish Push Style Polkas from Canada

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Track listing:


1. Not So Perfect World Polka
2. Hey Tam W Dolinie Polka (In the Valley)
3. Thinking of You Polka
4. Mother Dear Mother Waltz (Mamo Moja Mamo)
5. Let's Put Love Back To Work Polka
6. Let's Get Going/Over My Cradle Polka Medley
7. Sokoly Polka (Falcons)
8. Yermazah Polka
9. Red Apple Oberek (Czerwone Jabluszko)
10. I Just Don't Know Anymore Polka
11. Love Sick Polka (Szalala Szalala)
12. Love's Gonna Live Here Polka
13. Night Without You Polka (Sukiyaki)
14. Za Ebru Fala/Jasiu Jasiu Waltz Medley
15. Angie's Polka (Andzia)

Artist: John Gora and Gorale