Gomulka, Richie - A Chicago Polka Tradition

International Polka Music Hall of Fame Richie Gomulka!

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Product Description  Click Here to Listen to Tracks      

International Polka Music Hall of Fame® Richie Gomulka is featured on this CD. “A Chicago Polka Tradition” is the title of the CD with Richie Gomulka. This Vintage Collection is 2 LPs on one CD with some bonus tracks!

Tracks include:

Bonus Tracks
1 Met My Sweetheart
2. Polish Wedding Day
3. Mother's Waltz
4. She Wants Me
5. Dark Forest
6. Lovers Waltz
7. Don't Cry
8. Why Did I Waltz

Here's Richie Gomulka Tracks
9. Girls in My Life Polka
10. Pretty Home Oberek
11. Our Love Polka
12. Wedding Bells Waltz
13. First Time Polka
14. Mother's Memories Polka
15. Love Me or Leave Me Oberek
16. My Girlfriend Polka
17. Red Rose Polka
18. White Table Polka

Richie Gomulka Meets the Pagila Polka Dots Tracks
19. Please Be Sincere Polka
20. Every Day of My Life
21. Sad Girl Waltz
22. Pretty Gal Polka
23. Happy Bachelor Polka
24. Cheating Girls Polka
25. Headache Polka
26. I Don't Want You Oberek
27. Best Wishes Polka
28. Hosa Dyna Polka

Artist: Richie Gomulka